Liver : 1.5kg, 6 layers, big part, no of tasks, 5/6 damaged, no complaint, 500 tasks, 1000 enzymes, 10000 acres industries for processing in 1.5 kg, sugar control, fats digestion, toxins purification, if not liver they will come to blood, final check post, coffee tea beverages cigarettes alcohol processed chemical foods medicines eruvulu 30 mins dead, protects from all bad habits non veg avakayilu, mother of mother, manufacture supply cholesterol, blood as solid, fat soluble vitamins ADEK store and supply, bacteria dead cells into large intestine, hepatitis BCA jaundice hardened fatty enlarged syrosis cancer, cuffer cells, liver nutrition

right lobe.. left lobe..
risk task : fatty filtration
fats gives energy but cholesterol not..
high quantity hcl acid - high quantity pancreatic juice
black money (chemical compounds) white money (normal fats)

Sugar Control : glucose from intestine walls via blood cells, glucose transferred to liver, quality control, cells releases energy through glucose, glucose levels up and downs management 110-80/160-120, petrol overflow through carborator regulation, check post fails terror activities, if liver storage bcz of heavy glucose crossed it transferred to 1glycogen and will be deposited into 2muscles then transferred to 3fats in the form fat cells, vice versa liver transforms the same, liver regulates sugar levels on blood too through insulin

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